Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day Four

Boulder Creek Falls, Boulder CO

Wow, today was relaxing.  I got into Colorado at about 1 am last night.  For most of the ride I daydreamed about taking a shower smelling pretty again, but once I got there the thought of sleep was real nice. The thought of not having sand in every crevice was nicer so I fought sleepiness for cleanliness.  A bed was wonderful; I am most certainly taking advantage of that for the next two nights.  Courtney and I woke up and made breakfast and chit chatted for a while. It was great to catch up.  We’ve been friends since we were 19 and 20. Wow, time flies.  That’s almost nine years ago, now.  We’ve watched each other grow over the years and it’s a beautiful thing to see.   It truly makes my heart happy and I’m excited for the future and to see what we come up with.

Courtney took me on a lunch date at a sushi restaurant here in Boulder, Co. It was amazing- I can eat sushi anytime.  Afterwards, we went into a few stores on the way back to her house. Boulder has a long outside shopping drag that has all kinds of nifty stores. Not a place to go if your trying to save money, I had to get out of there and with a quickness!

Boulder is a beautiful place, but I noticed that there was hardly any culture here. I was looking around as we were walking home and I said, “Are there any people that aren’t white? I feel like I’m a time warp or something.” Court says, “Like Pleasantville, it’s creepy right?” I don’t think I could hang in a place with no color, I think I’d get bored of looking at the same thing everyday.   

Courtney enjoying the view

    We got back to her place and started to pack up to go on a hike and a blinding lightning streak touched down somewhere near. Our doors were open and it lit up the room, during the day.  You know that crack of thunder was coming, that one where it cracks so loud that it pierces your ears and then continues to rumble for minutes. Needless to say we waited that one out. Just an hour or so and it cleared up and cooled way down.

   Courtney took me to a waterfall that is about 20 minutes outside of town, up in the mountains. The drive up there was amazing. I don’t know if you can ever really get tired of that view-the cliffs and huge evergreens, the raging rivers and water falls. It’s stunning.

 Boulder Creek was raging. I look at the waterfall pouring over the edge and think of how relentless the water is.  It has no mercy whatsoever. I give major props to all of the big wave surfers out there that get pounded by waves.  I don’t know how you do it! Speaking of getting pounded, I have a friend in Fort Collins, CO that does white water rafting trips. I’m trying to get a trip set up before I set out to Moab, UT. What an adrenaline rush that would be!

Ill keep ya updated on that!