Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 19, 20, and 21

Day 19.
Not sure why I like this photo so much- I think bc it was an accident. And yes, that's a Yellow Belly
Talk about a lazy day. I woke up in my new temporary home and made some oatmeal. I picked fresh strawberries and blueberries in the garden to put in there. Warm strawberries are the best, all of their goodness comes outJ 

 What can I say.. I just rode the four-wheeler around and played in the river. I did absolutely nothing productive except make sure my debit card was going to come in tomorrow. I made some dinner for everyone and we had some beers next to the campfire, and bed it was.


Day  20.

I woke up early with the intention of getting out of there early, but come to find out, the place where my card was sent doesn’t come until three. So I waited around and played in the woods some.  I went into town and waited at the farmers market for the card to come. I was almost 4 by now and I had a nine-hour drive to go, I didn’t want to be driving all night again.  So I decided to have my friend mail it to me at the wedding I was shooting, because I didn’t want to be late. I started to leave town, and of course it came in, so I turned around to get it.

I drove until about 11pm. I couldn’t hack it any longer. I don’t know what it is about driving at night, but I cannot do it. I fall asleep even if I’m not tired. I found a chill little motel in a small town off the 101.  That drive is so beautiful. It is so green and luscious. I love it! The trees are extremely tall and the sun shines through them like nothing you have ever seen before. I think I have a few pictures that show what I mean, that I can show later. At times I feel that your true eye is the only thing that can capture something at its highest beauty.

Oregon Coastline
I can't even describe the beautiful yellow sunlight shining through the trees, hitting the green moss on the trunks making them glow this indescribable yellow-green glow. I think that it is one of my most favorite things in the world… almost. In these forests up here, there is a glow that the sun puts off as it hits certain trees and branches and not others that is so wholesome. Im not sure how sunlight can be wholesome, but that is the word that comes to mind when I see it. Pure. Perfect. Warm.

Alright.. until tomorrow.

Day 21.
 I got up and wrote some for my blog. I posted, but from days before. I seriously have had no interwebs for days and days, just my phone.  I’m writing my days down, but I cant upload my photos or words, so sorry about that. I have had some people ask me if my adventure was over. I don’t think the adventure is ever over, there is always something going on, right?! The adventure isn’t ending until I am published.. and then it will be the beginning of a new, so no, its not over yet. It may take me the whole 18 months to make it happen, but it’s going to happen.

As I was driving North to get there, I saw a hitchhiker that had a sign that said Florence, that was the town I was aiming to make it to last night, but I was too tired. It was a good hour and a half up the road.  He looked young like me. I wanted to pick him up. There were numerous hitchhikers along the way that I wanted to pick up but they were always couples, and I have no room for two people and their packs. I passed this one up at first, and then I felt guilty. I remember a friend had a hitchhiking trip and he said it is so hard to find someone that will pick you up. So I turned around and got him.
Naturally I was ready for anything so put my 38 special in between the drivers side door and my seat, loaded.   

He was actually quite attractive. Curly blonde hair and blue eyes, young face. 
‘Hi there!” I say as he gets in the car.
“Hi, thanks so much for picking me up. My names Sam.”
“Deleigh, like delete with out the T. “
“Oh, got cha okay, interesting name. “
“Thanks, I get that a lot.” I say with a smile.

I asked him what his story was. He was from Tulsa and he rode his bike from there to Oregon in a course of six months. He got an apprenticeship at company that makes cob houses and made his way up Oregon, I think he has been there for almost a year. On this day,  he was on his way to a workshop in Eugene, OR for building cob houses. So that is why he was hitchhiking, he said that hitching a ride was faster than riding his bike. Im sure it would have taken a few days to ride. 

He asked me what my story was. I told him I was a photographer who quit and sold everything trying to make something happen.
“Did you go to photo school?”
“Yes, at Texas State in San Marcos, TX”
“Oh I’ve been there! The river is beautiful there.”
“It is quite magical, huh. “
“Yes. Hey do you know someone named Tony Sipes?”
“I know a Topher Sipes.”
“That’s it! Topher!”
“Yes! I know him! What?? Man, what a small world. I went to school with him.”
“Ya, he came to Tulsa and stayed with me while he had an exhibit up there.”

First view of the ocean ... it was a good one! 

Mind Blown.  Really? … really??! I mean to tell ya, I am thousands of miles away from San Marcos, I end up not being able to make it to Florence which allows me to even see Sam the next day, then I pass this guy up and turn back around, and then he knows someone I know? Small world… I love it, I just love it! The freaking universe and all of its awesomeness!  When we got to Florence I dropped him off on the road heading east to Eugene. He gave be a pretty stone that he found for a thank you.  I put it in my coin holder where it will stay.  I gave him a hug and said goodbye. About two miles down the road, I yell, “Shit!” No picture! Damnit, what kind of photographer am I? I just got so caught up in our great conversation that I didn’t even think about it. He got out and that was it. I guess, that was just meant to be in my head. Maybe well cross paths again some day.

I drove from about 11 to 5 and made it to Canon beach right on time. I was to be there at 6 for the rehearsal dinner.The wedding I was shooting is a family that I have known for a while. I met Bob in the dorms in college at Texas State. He moved away but I knew his sister, Milly, from when she would come visit him, she lives in Austin. We connected and started hanging out. Then their older sister, Abi, was at the house and we met.  She is into photo so we talked photo one night forever and we became friends. So, I have this awesome sort of separate friendship with the whole family.  I love it. They are all amazing and a good-hearted family.  Abi and I talked a lot about photo after that. She ended up asking if I would shoot her wedding. I was so pleased to do so! It’s easy to shoot a wedding that is for someone you care for.  I mean it’s busy and crazy of course, but fun!

After the rehearsal, we had amazing pizza delivered and then went to the beach and had a little bon fire. It was nice. But I was out of there early.. Well, kind of. Haha. I pitched my tent in the back yard.. it was pretty awesome there on the ferns. It was super cozy. I loved it actually. Abi’s cousin gerrid, couldn’t believe that I was sleeping out there, he insisted that I have more blankets and pillows. So he rushes in the house and gets me a blanket to sleep on and some pillows. What a sweet heart! I can’t lie, it did make it even more cozy than it was!  Thanks! Okay off to bed.. lots to do tomorrow.

Oregon's beautiful Highways